System Booster
System Booster.iso
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Text File
205 lines
November 5, 1994
1. Registration
2. Archive Contents
3. Quick Start
4. Quick Installation from the shell
5. Quick Installation from Workbench
6. MachV Termination
7. Locale note
1. Registration
This archive contains the freely distributable version of MachV V5.0.
It may be distributed as long as all files are maintained intact and
only a nominal fee (no more than $5.00) is charged for media and postage.
There are only small differences between this and the registered version.
The registered version...
...does NOT have the "startup" window.
...allows unlimited macros.
...is about 2k smaller.
...is probably at least one release ahead of the un-registered version.
...also includes versions of MachV and SetMachV compiled for 68020+.
...includes documentation in French or German.
Reasons to register:
1. All of the above.
2. It is still only $15.00.
3. Receive updates for as little as $2.00. MachV has been supported
since 1987, perhaps longer than any other shareware program for the
4. Free telephone support.
5. Enjoy a clean conscience.
The price is the same for foreign orders. Canadian users may send $15.00
in US dollars or a Canadian check (plus exchange rate adjustment currently
a total of $19.00). Upgrades are also the same, $2.00.
Foreign users may send a $15.00 check drawn on a US bank or $15.00 cash
in a (preferably) registered letter. Please...No EuroCheques. There is
a $15 dollar fee to process these.
Make checks payable to Brian Moats.
Please print your name and address clearly! If you have any questions
or problems, include them and they will be answered in a note on your
For convenience, use the included "Registration.form".
Brian Moats
Polyglot Software
884 W. Melrose Ln.
Boise, ID 83706
2. Archive Contents
ReadMe.first This file.
Install Script to install MachV files. Will copy over
previous versions of MachV and SetMachV, but
it will not copy over MachV.prefs.
MachV Unregistered version of MachV. 75228 bytes.
SetMachV Unregistered version of SetMachV. 48604 bytes.
MachV.prefs Settings file with basic macros.
MachV.guide Documentation in AmigaGuide format.
fixes.doc Changes since 37.0.
mach.library Required library. Put in libs:
PrintMacros Utility to print your macros.
Registration.form Fill-in-the-blanks form.
Vibra.8SVX Sample beep sound file.
Sample.prefs Settings file with some clock gadgets.
Dock.prefs A "dock" type configuration.
ProPage.prefs Sample configuration for use with ProPage
Sample gadgets for use with above prefs files.
Calc.info calculator.info
CleanUp.info cns.info
cpp.info dp4.info
DPaint.info FinalCopy.info
music.info NewShell.info
phone.info ProCalc.info
SBase.info SnapShot.info
term.info TeX.info
TurboText.info VClip.info
locale/catalogs/dansk/machv/ dansk catalogs
locale/catalogs/deutsch/machv/ deutsch catalogs
locale/catalogs/français/machv/ francais catalog
The file MachV.guide is a normal text file with some special keywords
added for AmigaGuide. You may use a text editor or word processor if
desired. The registered version includes an ARexx program that will
strip the file of AmigaGuide keywords.
3. Quick Start
For a quick way of trying MachV, simply cd into the MachV
directory, and type "Run MachV" (or double click on its icon).
MachV will read in the file MachV.prefs.
Activate the clock window and press the right button or use the key
combination Ctrl-LeftAmiga-ESC or double click on its icon to run
SetMachV. (Do this after the startup window is gone.)
The Install script may be used to copy the files to your system.
4. Quick Installation from the shell
1. Make the directory ENVARC:MachV
makedir ENVARC:MachV
2. Copy the MachV.prefs file to ENVARC:MachV
copy MachV/MachV.prefs ENVARC:MachV
3. Copy the contents of the Gadgets directory to ENVARC:MachV
copy gadgets/#? ENVARC:MachV
4. Copy MachV and SetMachV to a directory in your path. If you are
not sure what that means, copy MachV and SetMachV to your c:
copy MachV/MachV c:
copy MachV/SetMachV c:
5. Run MachV.
run >nil: MachV
Do NOT Put SetMachV In Your WBStartup Drawer!
5. Quick Installation from Workbench
1. Open your Prefs drawer.
2. Select "Window/Show » All Files" from the Workbench menu.
The drawer Env-Archive should now have an icon. Open this drawer
and select "Window/New Drawer" from the Workbench window. Name
this drawer MachV.
3. Drag the file MachV.prefs into the new drawer.
4. Drag the file Sample.prefs into the new drawer.
5. Open the Gadgets drawer and select all icons. Drag these to the
new drawer.
6. Drag SetMachV to your sys:Tools or sys:Utilities drawer.
7. Drag MachV into your WBStartup directory and double click on it.
Do not put SetMachV in this directory!
Do NOT Put SetMachV In Your WBStartup Drawer!
6. MachV Termination
Run MachV a second time to remove it. Or activate the clock and press
Ctrl-C. Or, use the "break" command. Or, execute a MSC_QUIT macro
function. Or, use "address 'MachV' 'MSC_QUIT'" from an ARexx program.
7. Locale note:
MachV has catalog files for deutsch, francais, and dansk. Copy the
catalogs for your language from the locale/catalogs/your_language/machv
directory to locale:catalogs/your_language/machv. You must create this
directory first, or use:
c:copy locale/catalogs/your_language/machv locale:catalogs/your_language/machv all